The Rules of the Trail

#1 We’re nice, say hi!

#2 All our trails can be ridden by riders of all abilities. There are no compulsory jumps, drops or gaps.

#3 We only build with the local sandy soil from the wood. We don’t use plant material, wood or rocks. Borrow pits must be out-of-the-way and safe.

#4 We never damage trees or their roots.

#5 We make sure any water will drain off the trail.

#6 We take any rubbish away.


Watchwood's trails are in danger of being removed by Forestry England following excessive and unsympathetic trail building including large features, potential damage to roots, holes, and gap jumps. We'd recommend avoiding the area for now.

Please avoid the marked footpath - it's popular with walkers and horse riders.

Parts of Watchwood have been recently replanted - avoid areas with freshly planted saplings please, these are the trees of tomorrow. Do not do anything to cause damage to saplings. They’re surprisingly expensive.

Gedling Country Park

Popular, multi-use location. Can get very busy with walkers, runners and nature watchers. Lots of parking and a Cafe/play area on site.